642-6: One day Your Pet Can’t Take it Any More and Starts Talking.


Judgey Gemma

642 challenge time… what a wonderful way to procrastinate about studying.

I used to have a gorgeous, white, long haired, deaf cat, Gemma. She was a princess bitch who may have been deaf, but she didn’t miss much.

I’m sure spent half her life judging me and my behaviours.

I’m sure hated me for a while after I moved in with a friend and his pet rabbit, because she had no idea what the friendly thing bouncing around just wanting to play was.

642 Topic: You are a loser who lives alone with a cat and have done for quite some time. One day your cat can’t take it any more and starts talking.

What does it say?

Gemma: Excuse me, hi. *sighs and waves tail around in judgement* 

No. No, No…. just… No.

Now I don’t want for much, all I want is to admire myself in the mirror, have you do the things I want you to when I want you to and to give me the attention I deserve…  I mean come on, look at me… why wouldn’t you want to. *purr, purr*

For years I’ve watched you do a whole lot of crazy things and you know, I try not to judge…. Hello Kitty knows I’ve tried… but this, this is too much.

The countless hours of this star trek thing, watching you trying to witch it up like Samantha Stevens or the Halliwell 3, the make up, the heels, the pom poms… the boys disturbing my sleep at all hours, the late nights, your mirror hogging and mess making, the madness,  the things a precious little thing like me just shouldn’t be witness to and well the obvious attention to me thats lacked … all of this I could accept …. 

I could even accept when you moved me in with the hoppy little freak thing, but this time you’ve gone too far.

It’s about that R2D2 alarm clock you’ve got going on. Now, I can see it in the mirror and it hurts my eyes, I can feel it make it’s buzzing and whirring and beeping and it disturbs my sleep and breaks my mirror time… but you, you muthafucka.. nothing.. you just sleep through it! 

I can feel the geek radiating from it and it’s really fucking up the framing of my reflection in the mirror. It’s almost like you want to make it hard for me to look at myself….

I refuse to live in the house of a pseudo 16year old fanboy… it’s bad for my look and even with your moisturizing routine, you ain’t fooling anyone. 

I’m putting down the paw, No… just No. It has to go

Me:*stunned silence*  Aaahhh…. UUmmmmm….

Wait… Of everything you’ve seen over the last few years….. A CLOCK is the thing you’re going to judge me for?

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