642-3: It was the First Time I Killed a Man


Creative Writing - 642 Things To Write About

"Write a scene that begins It was the first time i killed a man"


It was the first time I killed a man… Looking back now I was so unprepared, so amateur, so… unpracticed. I made a hell of a mess that night.

I still made the news though, first time and all. I thought they’d show more of my handiwork from inside, I was real sore they didn’t. All that work, all my work and all they did was interview a couple of cops and those busybody neighbours from down the street who didn’t even know nothin. They interview people who know nothin right on the street out front, but not even one step in to, you know, where the real story is. What a waste.

I don’t know, maybe I made too much of a mess…. There was a lot of blood, more than I thought…. I did stab him 7 times I guess. oops, I only meant to do him 5 hahaha. Blood was spitting out of him from everywhere. His walls looked like one those abstract paintings that look like a bunch of kids were given a few paint cans to chuck around. Some people pay millions for work like that hahahaha. I got a bit over excited though, it was somethin about the sound sound knife puncturing him…I don’t know what it is, but boy i tell ya, it’s like nothing else.

I gotta say I’m glad it don’t take me that much work no more though. Not that I don’t enjoy it, wouldn’t do it otherwise..it was just that, ya almost need a nap by the time you get em down you know ...even a bit of fun can be hard work,

I just remembered I ruined a brand new shirt that night… Vivienne Westwood. Man I was sore about that too. But I had to flick it….. you know, just in case. Blood never really washes out so . Was lucky but, there was a sale on the next week. Still had my size and all. I didn’t feel too bad after that.

This guy though right, he was real lousy, he deserved it. He was so lousy I’m kinda glad he was my first, no clue what i was doin. He screamed and cried and tried to get away… even after i ripped straight through one of legs he was still crawlin… looked like a bit like a game of chase really.


We went to school together and he used to torment the hell out of me. Not many people didn’t like me, I was school captain, I got along with people, I dated the cheerleader, my grades were good, even the teachers liked me. But not this clown, he never gave it a rest: and there was this one teacher, Mrs Badley… I got her too, not long after this guy in fact. DIdn’t make as much mess with old Mrs Badley, but boy did she scream good.  

I like it when they scream good.

This guy though…. ha, he was surprised to see me you know. I mean what are the odds of me and him ending up in the same city on the other side of the country, years after school had finished. What are the odds he said: planned to perfection of course. I’d done my homework and tracked him down. It was pretty easy, good for me.. not so good for him it turns out. hahahaha

I’m a pretty lucky guy you know. People like me. I’m a good guy. i earned my success. i make sure others get theirs. Life's pretty swell.

Joe and Bernadette next door, they’re real nice. Expecting a kid soon too. Keiko & Frankie, they love it when I babysit their kids so they can hit the town and have some fun. Mr Walsley down the road, I help him out when needs it. You know how it is, gotta look out for the elderly.

No one would ever know.


photo credit @devilboydamo