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OUTthink Podcast with Release Hypnosis - R U OK & mental health

Check out my recent podcast with Lawrence from Release Hypnosis. PODCAST >>

Before falling into last weeks 4 day slumber / fall down the rabbit hole of darkness I recorded a podcast with @releasehypnosismelbourne on why @ruokday and looking after your #mentalhealth, and your mates, are so important.To be honest it can be fucking exhausting for everyone but it’s worth it and finding the skills and power to challenge your inner critic and build resilience was one of the bigger talking points.

If you can learn that, you can learn to stay a step ahead ( most of the time anyway)---While ‘R U Ok? Day’ is in September, it is important to realise that we should make every day a day where you can ask if someone you love and care about is ok. If you can notice that they’re not being their usual self and you suspect that something is wrong, sometimes the simple act of asking someone if they’re ok can make an absolute world of difference.Some people have an absolute knack of being able to just ask the question while others can find exploring a friend’s emotional state to be perhaps a little confronting.

In this episode of OUThink, we’re stepping a little outside of our usual LGBT demographic focus to talk about how to have these conversations with anyone.Enjoy the conversation! ( and as always, hit me up if you have any questions)